We protect your products with customized
cybersecurity solutions.


It is time to redefine the term cybersecurity.

Our vision is to be the leading force in cybersecurity, helping companies worldwide protect their products from ever-evolving threats. We are redefining the term cybersecurity by not only providing the latest technologies and innovative solutions, but also by raising awareness and understanding of the importance of cybersecurity in today's world. We strive to be a trusted partner to our customers and help make the digital and connected world a safer place through our work.


Innovative services in the field of cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is of great importance these days as more and more businesses and organizations rely on digital technologies, making them more vulnerable to cyberattacks. A successful cyberattack can result in data loss, financial damage as well as significant reputational damage. An effective cybersecurity strategy is therefore essential to protect against such threats and ensure sensitive data and systems remain secure.

In addition, there are regulations and standards that already apply to certain industries that must be complied with in the area of ​​cybersecurity. For the automotive industry, UNECE R155 already defines the safety and performance requirements that manufacturers must meet. According to the European Commission's draft of an EU Cyber ​​Resilience Act, all companies that manufacture products with digital elements will probably be obliged to establish appropriate cybersecurity measures from the end of 2024.

We have therefore made it our business to already prepare companies from a wide range of industries for upcoming challenges and offer various services in the field of cybersecurity.

With our innovative and customized solutions, we ensure that your products are designed to be safe from the outset as well as compliant with all current and future regulations.

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Bedarfsanalyse & Maßnahmenplanung

Have the necessity of cybersecurity measures evaluated in accordance with current and future legal framework conditions in your industry and for your products.
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Cybersecurity Management Systems

Implement cybersecurity in your company: We take care of the creation, development and application of Cybersecurity Management Systems (CSMS).

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Cybersecurity Lifecycle

Ensure that your value chain is secured by appropriate cybersecurity processes across all lifecycle phases.

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Cybersecurity Development

Develop your products with our help and get a product that meets cybersecurity requirements in terms of relevant industry regulations from the start.

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Certify your products and processes by complying with mandatory requirements and standards. We accompany you with our expertise from preparation through audits to completed certification.

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Cybersecurity Monitoring

Ensure that your products are monitored and safe for your users in the long term through cybersecurity monitoring.

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Cybersecurity Testing

Let us put your product through its paces to ensure that the appropriate cybersecurity measures meet state-of-the-art requirements.

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Mit unserer fundierten Expertise und langjährigen Erfahrung im Bereich Cybersecurity unterstützen wir Sie gerne bei der Erfüllung der  RED-Richtlinie, sodass Sie für Ihre Produkte eine Zertifizierung erhalten.

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Train your employees in cybersecurity. As part of the aqupe academy, we create and offer individual trainings.


Innovation and excellence through many years of expertise

With several years of cybersecurity experience in various industries with well-known customers, we work with innovative and customized solutions to best protect our customers' products and meet their cybersecurity requirements. In addition to our experience and specialist knowledge, what sets us apart is our continuous further training. We are always up to date for you when it comes to cybersecurity, be it trends and technologies or new industry regulations.

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Our customers

We handle cybersecurity for you in the following industries: Automotive, Railway, Medical, Smart Home, Smart Buildings, Critical Infrastructure, Operational Technology and Internet of Things. We have been supporting well-known customers since 2008 and have gained extensive experience during this time to develop customized solutions tailored to the specific requirements of these industries.

Protect your products from cyber threats now

As a leading provider of customized cybersecurity solutions, our mission is to help companies around the world protect their products from ever-evolving cyber threats.

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